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Protect Your Heart, Control Your Blood Glucose Level


Persistent high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels can lead to diabetes related complications such as kidney disease, eye disease, numbness and weakness of hands and legs, but heart diseases have topped it all1.

Action to be taken.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia recommends keeping control of your blood glucose levels by checking your blood glucose before and after a meal. Refer to the recommended Frequency and Target Ranges1.

It is also recommended to keep the difference of your blood glucose level before and after meal to less than 2.8mmol/L2.


Why is it important to control your blood glucose level after meal?





By controlling the rise of your blood glucose level after a meal, you can reduce your risk of getting heart diseases and stroke.

Therefore, by testing your blood glucose level before and after meal, it provides you and your care taker with the ability to make appropriate day-to-day choices in your food intake. It will also assist your doctor in treatment decisions by knowing your blood glucose patterns during the day.


1. Clinical Practice Guidelines. Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 5th Edition (Dec 2015). Malaysia Ministry of Health.

2. G Slama Postprandial glycaemia: a plea for the frequent use of delta postprandial glycaemia in the treatment of diabetic patients. Diabetes Metab, 2006; 32: 187-192.


Updated on 7 Jan 2019

3. Gerich JE. Clinical significance, pathogenesis, and management of postprandial hyperglycemia. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:1306-1316.

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