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How to Celebrate The Holidays and Stay In Range

While the holidays are all about family and festivities, a whole lot of food shows up at holiday gatherings. The parties and travel can disrupt your normal routine — and the celebrations can last for weeks. How can you stick to your meal plan and keep your blood sugar in range while still enjoying the holidays? It’s not always easy. But with a little planning, it’s possible! 1. Start with a Plan...

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Too Busy to Exercise? Create a Family Challenge and Get Moving!

Busy. Active. Frenzied. Rushed. Scheduled. Hectic. Do any of these sound like your family? As a result of longer commutes, a rise in two-parent working families and the demands of individual schedules, families have limited time to spend together. And when they do have time together, much of the “leisure” time as a family consists of shared space in front of a screen—cinema, television, or individual phones, tablets or computers. While we can’t always deny the call of the couch, especially at the end of a busy multi-tasking day, maybe we can rise to a family health challenge. The lure of social media can’t be...

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