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Huat is Healthy Eating this Chinese New Year?

  Cut Down On the Sugary Goodies. Pineapple tarts, shrimp rolls, gummies and chocolate coins, these traditional favourites are full of processed sugars and fats. Limit the amount by taking a few pieces out and closing the container tight. Peeling Mandarin oranges keeps you busy from reaching out for the snack platter! Pick dried fruits or assorted nuts over these sugary treats. Go Easy On the Drinks During Chinese New Year, being offered a sweetened drink happens almost all the time, hospitality is displayed in these small gestures. Whether it is due to the convenience...

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Refine Results

  A Carb Is a Carb

A lot of people with diabetes believed that if they cut out candy and sugary foods, they'd be able to manage their blood glucose (blood sugar). Now we know that all carbohydrates, in short known as carbs—rice, noodles, bread, cakes and candy alike—cause your blood glucose to rise. So really, when it comes to managing blood glucose levels, what's the difference between a serving of cake and a serving of rice?   15 grams of carbs = 15 grams of carbs, right? Since your body doesn't really distinguish between carb sources, 15 grams of carbs from a cake can cause your blood glucose...

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Introduction to Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG)

SMBG is a blood glucose (blood sugar) monitoring procedure performed by people with diabetes on themselves or by their care taker. Taking SMBG another step further, your doctor may have recommended you to perform such monitoring in a Structured Testing way.   Structured Testing. Structured testing means checking your blood glucose at a specific time of the day or before or after an event (such as exercise, food, etc.) over a period of time. There are different ways to perform structured testing,...

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Physical Activity During Ramadhan

Physical activities need to be adjusted during Ramadan. The following are recommended: Light and moderate activities/ exercise on a regular basis. Avoid strenuous activities/ exercise during daytime because of the risk of low blood glucose level. The timing of exercise is preferably performed 1-2 hours after the break of fast. Performance of Tarawih prayers is a form of physical activity.   Definition: Mild activities         : 35 - 50 % of a person's maximum...

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  When To Test Your Blood Glucose?

  Your doctor would have advised you on when to test your blood glucose (blood sugar). In addition, below is the recommended frequency of blood glucose testing by Malaysia’s Ministry of Health (MOH)1. Mode of Treatment Breakfast Lunch...

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  HbA1c Test Goals

An HbA1c result tells you your average level of blood glucose (blood sugar) over the past 2 to 3 months. It measures the percentage of hemoglobin A1c in the red blood cells which have glucose attached to them. However, it is important to note that HbA1c will not provide you any information about high or low results nor help you with identifying any day to day patterns. It has been noted that some people with diabetes falsify their blood glucose results in their diary in order to keep their healthcare professional “happy” but HbA1c will easily uncover the true situation.   What Is Hemoglobin...

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  Newly diagnosed? Here’s what to do now.

It’s never easy to be diagnosed with diabetes. You may wonder, “Why is this happening?” and may fear the unknown. It’s common to blame yourself and worry about what others will think of you. What’s most important is that you acknowledge all of your emotions as they come and go, resolve to deal with them, and understand that you are not alone.   The first step in taking control of your health after a diagnosis is making an appointment with your primary healthcare provider (or endocrinologist, or diabetes nurse, etc.), and finding out everything you can about your diabetes. To start, you should find out:...

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  Everything About Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia)

Low blood glucose is also known as hypoglycemia which is a medical terminology. Some call it ‘hypo’ for short. It usually happens in people with diabetes who take medication especially increased dose of insulin, exercising more than usual, miss their meals or reduced their meals. People with diabetes who experience ‘hypo’ usually experience some signs or if their blood glucose is tested, it could be below 4.0mmol/L. It is very important to recognize the early signs of ‘hypo’ and treat it quickly. Educate your colleagues, friends and family members to enable them to help with treatment when you experience ‘hypo’.  If left...

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Swap Your Meals & Snacks For A Healthier You!

Ever feel like preparing a meal at home takes too much time and effort? Try this quick meal idea that can actually take less time to make at home than it would to stand in line waiting for “fast” food. How convenient is convenience food—really? With a few fresh ingredients, you can whip up a healthier—and often faster—meal option than the corner café. Best of all, you know exactly what’s on your plate, because you made it! Breakfast Swap Compare these: Simple egg and spinach scramble at home, with two tomato slices and a slice ham: 205 calories, 7 g carbs, to a breakfast sandwich with 370 calories...

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