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Huat is Healthy Eating this Chinese New Year?

  Cut Down On the Sugary Goodies. Pineapple tarts, shrimp rolls, gummies and chocolate coins, these traditional favourites are full of processed sugars and fats. Limit the amount by taking a few pieces out and closing the container tight. Peeling Mandarin oranges keeps you busy from reaching out for the snack platter! Pick dried fruits or assorted nuts over these sugary treats. Go Easy On the Drinks During Chinese New Year, being offered a sweetened drink happens almost all the time, hospitality is displayed in these small gestures. Whether it is due to the convenience...

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Refine Results

  What Is Paired-Testing?

Paired testing is a type of blood glucose monitoring that is performed in a structured way (Structured Testing) usually done before and after meals, or before and after exercise as well. As long as it is done before and after an event, it will provide you with a pair of blood glucose results – which is known as paired-testing.   Below is an example of blood glucose paired-testing Mr. Lim does paired-testing for breakfast for a couple of days. His must-have breakfast is a hearty...

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  Everything Goes Digital (Even The Logbook)

  O.K. Not everyone prefers to use an app to record their blood glucose readings. If you are one of them who still prefers to record using a logbook, we have made the logbook digitally available for you. That way, you may still record it manually like you used to do (using your phone this time) and you will not forget to bring your logbook on your next doctor's appointment. It is really more convenient! Click the below logbook to start downloading it into your mobile phone now! ...

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  Tips To An Accurate Blood Glucose Result

When you check your blood glucose (blood sugar), a lot of people assume that the meter will always give you an accurate result. However, a meter's accuracy depends upon a lot of factors. Below are a few of the factors that you are able to control:   Storage Blood glucose strips are temperature sensitive and fragile, and must be stored under specific conditions1. (Read your strip’s product package insert to know more). Action: Avoid storing the strip...

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